Photo: Lisalove Bäckman
Photo: Lisalove Bäckman
I grew up in a small town in the north of Sweden with my Saami mom(Indigenous people in Sweden), dad from Caribbean and my two sisters. To dream and dare to think big is something i brought with me from home.
My journey has not been straight forward. But I don´t believe in failure, I believe that we have a lot to learn and the moments when we meet challenges is when we grow the most. Challenges are there to be challenged.
As a kid I always searched for new opportunities, possibilities and adventures. 14-years-old i started my own “bread baking company” and biked around in the neighbourhood with deliveries early mornings in the weekends. My mom always stood by my side, “assisting bread baker” and supporter in anyway when needed, in ups and downs. The bread baking career ended when i started to calculate how many breads i needed to bake before I could by my dream house…
Today, I work with global focus as a Music Artist and Health entrepreneur. I´ve been a tv-host on Swedish television and also offer lectures in personal development.
The key? I believe the key is daring to jump even when it´s scary and to set big goals based on passion. If you are going to think anyway, why don´t think big?